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FY 2020

We will present the following paper at EACL2021 (2021/4/19-23)

As part of the Department of Intelligence Science and Technology's Artificial Intelligence online course, we held Session 3 Natural Language Processing

We will present the following papers at COLING2020 (2020/12/8-13)

The following papers are accepted by EMNLP2020 Findings

We will present the following papers at EMNLP2020 (2020/11/8-12)

The following paper received the Young Researcher award of the 244-th meeting of IPSJ Natural Language Processing(link in Japanese) (2020/7)

We will hold an online briefing session (23 May, 2020)

We will hold a zoom-based online briefing session (open-lab) for those who are considering taking the entrance examination to be held in August 2020. Please submit the registration form to join!

We will present the following papers at ACL2020SRW

Associate Professor Daisuke Kawahara moved to School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University as a professor.

We will present the following papers at LREC2020 (2020/5)

FY 2019

The following paper received a best paper award of the Journal of Natural Language Processing (2020/3)

The following paper received the Young Researcher award of the 26-th annual meeting of the association for natural language processing (link in Japanese) (2020/3)

We will present the following papers at EMNLP-IJCNLP2019 (2019/11/3-7)

We presented the following paper at SemDial2019(2019/9/4-6)

We published the 2018 progress report about joint research for social problem-solving using LINE. (link in Japanese) (6/6)

We will present the following paper at SIGIR2019 (2019/7/21-25) (4/15)

We will present the following paper at IJCNN2019 (2019/7/14-19)

We presented the following papers at NAACL2019 (2019/6/2-7)

Pretrained BERT model for Japanese has been released. (link in Japanese) (4/3)

FY 2018

The following paper received the Best Paper award at the 25th Annual Meeting of The Association for Natural Language Processing (link in Japanese) (3/18)

The following paper received the Young Researcher award at the 25th Annual Meeting of The Association for Natural Language Processing (link in Japanese) (3/18)

We will present the following papers at NAACL2019 (2019/6/2-7) (2/26)

We went on a skiing trip to ShigaKogen. (2/16-18)


We were interviewed by Hankei500m, a Kyoto-based free journal. (2/1)

We will present the following papers at EMNLP2018 (2018/10/31-11/4) (8/11)

Practical Application Project of Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation by Kyoto University (Kurohashi-Kawahara Laboratory) and JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) received 13rd AAMT (Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation) Nagao Award. (6/19)

We will present the following papers at AI-MHRI (2018/7/14-15)

We will present the following papers at COLING2018 (2018/8/20-26) (5/18)

We published a press release about launching a Japanese-Chinese machine translation system at JST (5/8)

We will present the following papers at ACL2018 (2018/7/15-20) (4/23)

We published a press release about joint research for social problem-solving using LINE (4/12)

We will present the following paper at NAACL2018 (2018/6/1-6/6) (4/3)

We will present the following papers at LREC2018 (2018/5/7-5/12) (4/3)

Dr. Ribeka Tanaka joined our lab as researcher (4/1).

FY 2017

The following paper received a best paper award of the 24-th annual meeting of the association for natural language processing (3/15)

The following paper received a language resource award of the 24-th annual meeting of the association for natural language processing (3/15)

We went to Shigakogen for skip trip (3/3-5).


KyotoU-Kanken Project "Research on Kanji and Japanese Language Learning by AI" was launched. (9/25)

We will conduct the following tutorial at IJCNLP2017 (2017/11/27-12/1) (8/10)

We will present the following paper at PACLIC2017 (2017/11/16-18) (8/10)

We will present the following paper at MT SUMMIT 2017 (2017/9/18-22) (8/10)

We will present the following paper at IWPT 2017 (2017/9/20-22) (8/10)

The following paper has been selected as Outstanding Paper of ACL2017. (8/2)

John Richardson(Google) received 4th AAMT Nagao Student Award with his PhD thesis (2016/9) entitled "Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Target-Side Dependency Syntax." (6/14)

Prof. Kurohashi and Prof. Kawahara received "The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology" (Prizes for Science and Technology; Research Category). (4/12)

We will present the following papers at ACL2017 (2017/7/30-8/4) (4/1)

FY 2016

We went to Shigakogen for skip trip (3/3-5).


We will present the following paper at EACL2017 (2017/4/3-7) (12/4)

We will present following papers at COLING2016 (2016/12/11-6) (Updated:11/7)

Kyoto University & JST Trilingual Technical Term Dictionary (TriTechDict) has been released. (10/24)

SCTB: A Chinese Treebank in Scientific Domain has been released. (10/20)

W.Sakata was awarded an incentive award of IPSJ Kansai-Branch Convention at IPSJ Kansai-Branch Convention with the following paper. (9/26)

New Japanese Morphology Analyzer JUMAN++ has been released. (9/23)

We had a lab trip to Ise and Shima. (9/3-4)


We will present following papers at EMNLP2016 (2016/11/1-5) (7/31)

Dr. Morita was awarded a best paper award of IPSJ national convention in the 78th national convention of IPSJ with the following paper. (7/29)

Prof. Kurohashi was appointed to the reserach supervisor of PRESTO "Fundamental Information Technologies toward Innovative Social System Design." (6/5)

We will present a paper at ACL2016 (2016/8/7-12) (5/25)

FY 2015

We will present following papers at NAACL2016 (2016/6/12-17) (3/12)

We will present following papers at LREC2016 (2016/5/23-28) (1/29)

We went to Shigakogen for skip trip (2/20-22).


Project Assistant Prof. Murawaki joined our lab. (1/1)

The team consisting of the students in our lab won Design School Award in HackU Kyoto University 2015. (12/19)

Dr. Hayashibe, Associate Prof. Kawahara and Prof. Kurohashi were awarded a best research award in the IPSJ SIGNL-224 conference with the following paper. (12/4)

We will present a paper at PACLIC2015 (2015/10/30~11/1)

We published a press release about joint development with Fumankaitori Center Inc (2015/10/2)

Our lab held a tour to Tottori Prefecture. (9/7)


We will present a paper at EMNLP2015(2015/9/17-21). (8/19)

We will present a paper at MT-Summit XV(2015/10/30-11/3). (8/19)

Isao Goto(NHK) received 2nd AAMT Nagao Student Award with his PhD thesis (2014/5) entitled "Word Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation via Modeling Structural Differences between Languages." (6/16)

We will present a paper at PACLING2015(5/20).(4/6)

FY 2014

We will present a paper at SocialNLP2015(6/5). (3/25)

S.Kohama received a Young Researcher Award of NLP2015 with the following paper. (3/20)

Prof. Kurohashi received a 2014 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Natural Language Processing. (3/18)

We will present a paper at NAACL2015(5/31-6/5). (3/5)

We held a ski tour to Shigakogen(2/22-24)


Prof. Shibata stays at CMU as a visiting scholar for half a year. (10/6)

An M1 Student and a research student joined our lab. (10/2)

Our lab held a tour to Kagawa Prefecture. (9/26)


We will present a poster at WPTP2014(10/26). (9/24)

We will present a paper at PACLIC 2014(12/12-14). (9/23)

Y.Machida received the "Best student paper award" at IPSJ Kansai-Branch Convention with the following paper. (9/22)

We will present a paper at EMNLP2014(10/25-29). (7/24)

Prof. Kawahara and Prof. Kurohashi received a 20th Anniversary Best Paper Award of the Association for Natural Language Processing. (7/23)

We will present a paper at COLING2014(8/23-29). (5/24)

Our department will hold a meeting for prospective students and "open labs" on May 10th 2014. (4/30)




FY 2013















FY 2012













FY 2011





2011/9/30, 10/1





FY 2010








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