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Intelligence Science and Technology Course
Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University
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KU Text Corpus
KU WebDoc Leads Corpus
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KU Noun Case Frame
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RTE EvalSet
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Predicate Evaluation Set
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* What's New [#ffca0fe1]
*** We will present the following paper at [[NAACL 2025>h...
- Siddhant Arora, Yifan Peng, Jiatong Shi, Jinchuan Tian,...
*** Dr. Jivnesh Sandhan joined our lab as a researcher. (...
*** We climbed Mount Daimonji. (11/27) [#t1954a3b]
*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP 2024>...
- Yin Jou Huang, Rafik Hadfi: How Personality Traits Infl...
- Junfeng Jiang, Fei Cheng, Akiko Aizawa: Improving Refer...
*** Zhuoyuan Mao who got his Ph.D. degree last fiscal yea...
- Breaking Language Barriers: Enhancing Multilingual Repr...
*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL 2024>ht...
- Sirou Chen, Sakiko Yahata, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhengdong...
MELD-ST: An Emotion-aware Speech Translation Dataset (Fin...
- Yahan Yu, Duzhen Zhang, Xiuyi Chen, Chenhui Chu: ~
Flexible Weight Tuning and Weight Fusion Strategies for C...
- Duzhen Zhang, Yahan Yu, Chenxing Li, Jiahua Dong, Dan S...
MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Mod...
- Zhen Wan, Yating Zhang, Yexiang Wang, Fei Cheng, Sadao ...
Reformulating Domain Adaptation of Large Language Models ...
*** We will hold a briefing session (2024/5/11) [#ze47c616]
- As part of the [[admission orientation of the Intellige...
*** The following paper received the FY2023 best paper aw...
- Kazumasa Omura, Daisuke Kawahara, and Sadao Kurohashi:~
Building a Commonsense Inference Dataset based on Basic E...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC-COLI...
// - Taishi Chika, Taro Okahisa, Takashi Kodama, Yin Jou ...
//Domain Transferable Semantic Frames for Expert Intervie...
// - Yikun Sun, Zhen Wan, Nobuhiro Ueda, Sakiko Yahata, F...
//Rapidly Developing High-quality Instruction Data and Ev...
// - Norizo Sakaguchi, Yugo Murawaki, Chenhui Chu and Sad...
//Identifying Source Language Expressions for Pre-editing...
// - Nobuhiro Ueda, Hideko Habe, Yoko Matsui, Akishige Yu...
//A Japanese Conversation Dataset for Real-world Referenc...
// - Hao Wang, Tang Li, Chenhui Chu, Rui Wang and Pinpin ...
//Towards Human-Like Machine Comprehension: Few-Shot Rela...
// - Rikito Takahashi, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Chenhui Chu and...
//Abstractive Multi-Video Captioning: Benchmark Dataset C...
// - Yugo Murawaki:~
//Principal Component Analysis as a Sanity Check for Baye...
// - Kazumasa Omura, Fei Cheng and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//An Empirical Study of Synthetic Data Generation for Imp...
// - Xiaotian Lu, Jiyi Li, Zhen Wan, Xiaofeng Lin, Koh Ta...
//Evaluating Saliency Explanations in NLP by Crowdsourcing
// - Francois Meyer, Haiyue Song, Abhisek Chakrabarty, Ja...
//NGLUEni: Benchmarking and Adapting Pretrained Language ...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2023...
//- Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuro...
//Video-Helpful Multimodal Machine Translation
//- Shunya Kato, Shuhei Kurita, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuroha...
//ARKitSceneRefer: Text-based Localization of Small Objec...
//- Hao Wang, Xiahua Chen, Rui Wang, Chenhui Chu:~
//Vision-Enhanced Semantic Entity Recognition in Document...
//- Hao Wang, Qingxuan Wang, Yue Li, Changqing Wang, Chen...
//DocTrack: A Visually-Rich Document Dataset Really Align...
//- Zhen Wan, Fei Cheng, Zhuoyuan Mao, Qianying Liu, Haiy...
//GPT-RE: In-context Learning for Relation Extraction usi...
//*** We had a lab trip to Ehime. (9/13-14) [#t1954a3b]
//*** The following paper received the best paper award o...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[ACL2023 St...
//- Takashi Kodama, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Yin Jou Huang, Tar...
//Is a Knowledge-based Response Engaging?: An Analysis on...
//*** The following paper was accepted for [[ICCE 2023>ht...
//- Kazumasa Omura, Kei Kubo, Frederic Bergeron, Sadao Ku...
//Toward Game-Based Learning of Japanese Writing for Elem...
//(accepted as a short paper)
//*** We will present the following paper at [[IWSLT2023>...
//- Zhengdong Yang, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhou Wangjin, Shen...
//Kyoto Speech-to-Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023
//*** We will hold a briefing session (2023/5/13) [#r8f4f...
//As part of the admission orientation of the Intelligenc...
//*** The following papers received the excellence award ...
//- Tatsuro Inaba, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Fei Cheng, Sadao Ku...
//A Reasoning Framework Using Multiple External Tools bas...
//*** The following papers received the young researcher ...
//- Koki Watanabe, Yugo Murawaki, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Extracting Textual Expressions Characteristic of a Popu...
//- Shunya Kato, Shuhei Kurita, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuroha...
//ARKitSceneRefer: Text-based Localization of Small Objec...
//- Shiho Matta, Yin Jou Huang, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Sadao ...
//Utilizing Pseudo Dialogue in Conversational Semantic Fr...
//*** The following papers received the special committee...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Hideko Habe, Akishige Yuguchi, Seiya K...
//Construction of a Multi-modal Dialogue Dataset for Comp...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ICASSP202...
//- Qianying Liu, Zhuo Gong, Zhengdong Yang, Yuhang Yang,...
//Hierarchical Softmax for End-to-End Low-resource Multil...
//- Kak Soky, Sheng Li, Chenhui Chu, Tatsuya Kawahara:~
//Domain and Language Adaptation Using Heterogeneous Data...
//*** Post-doctoral researcher Huang Yin Jou starts worki...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EACL2023>...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao and Tetsuji Nakagawa:~
//LEALLA: Learning Lightweight Language-agnostic Sentence...
//- Qianying Liu, Wenyu Guan, Jianhao Shen, Fei Cheng and...
//ComSearch:Equation Searching with Combinatorial Strateg...
//- Zhen Wan, Fei Cheng, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Haiy...
//Relation Extraction with Weighted Contrastive Pre-train...
//*** Prof. Sadao Kurohashi will assume the position of D...
//*** We released the [[Japanese Culinary Interview Dialo...
//*** The following paper has been selected as Outstandin...
//- Kazumasa Omura and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-da...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2022...
//- Zhen Wan, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng, Sada...
//Rescue Implicit and Long-tail Cases: Nearest Neighbor R...
//- Yibin Shen, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng and...
//Textual Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Solving Math ...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[AACL-IJCN...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Zhuoyuan Mao, Chenhui Chu, Sa...
//BERTSeg: BERT Based Unsupervised Subword Segmentation f...
//-Yibin Shen, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Zhen Wan, Fei ...
//Seeking Diverse Reasoning Logic: Controlled Equation Ex...
//-Jumon Nozaki and Yugo Murawaki:~
//Addressing Segmentation Ambiguity in Neural Linguistic ...
//*** We released a Japanese analyzer named KWJA on [[Gi...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Kazumasa Omura, Takashi Kodama, Hiroka...
//KWJA: A Japanese Analyzer Based on Pre-trained Language...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[CRAC2022>...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Bridging Reference Resolution using Continuou...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[COLING2022...
//- Kazumasa Omura and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-da...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[Interspee...
//- Zhengdong Yang, Wangjin Zhou, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, ...
//Fusion of Self-supervised Learned Models for MOS Predic...
//- Kak Soky, Sheng Li, Masato Mimura, Chenhui Chu and Ta...
//Leveraging Simultaneous Translation for Enhancing Trans...
//*** Project Researcher Taro Okahisa moved to [[Shizuoka...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL 202...
//- Takumi Yoshikoshi, Takashi Kodama, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Explicit Use of Topicality in Dialogue Response Generat...
//- Prakhar Saxena, Yin Jou Huang and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Static and Dynamic Speaker Modeling based on Graph Neur...
//*** We will present a paper at [[DialDoc2022>https://do...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ribeka Tanaka and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Construction of Hierarchical Structured Knowledge-based...
//*** We will hold a briefing session (2022/5/14) [#jd316...
//As part of the [[admission orientation of the Departmen...
//*** We will present a paper at [[NAACL 2022>https://202...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre, Haiyue Song, Zh...
//When do Contrastive Word Alignments Improve Many-to-man...
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL 2022 Student Resea...
//- Yongmin Kim, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Flexible Visual Grounding
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2022>...
//- Fei Cheng, Shuntaro Yada, Ribeka Tanaka, Eiji ARAMAKI...
//JaMIE: A Pipeline Japanese Medical Information Extracti...
//- Felix Giovanni Virgo, Fei Cheng, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Event Duration Question Answering by Leveragi...
//- Taro Okahisa, Ribeka Tanaka, Takashi Kodama, Yin Jou ...
//Constructing a Culinary Interview Dialogue Corpus with ...
//- Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Weiqi Gu, Chenhui Chu a...
//VISA: An Ambiguous Subtitles Dataset for Visual Scene-a...
//*** Associate Professor Chu received a Google Research ...
//*** The following paper received the Special Committee ...
//- Rikito Takahashi, Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Abstractive Captioning from Multiple Videos
//- Yihang Li, Shuichirou Shimizu, Chenhui Chu and Sadao ...
//Towards the Construction of Multimodal Machine Translat...
//*** We have //[[released>https://www.kanken.or.jp/proje...
//*** The following article by Takumi Yoshikoshi and Hiro...
//- [[Development of an automatic Japanese wordplay gener...
//*** The following paper was accepted to AAAI 2022 [#hec...
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Minimally-Supervised Joint Learning of Event Volitional...
//*** We went on a hike to Manshuin. (2021/11/17) [#hecd8...
//*** The following paper was accepted to EMNLP2021 Findi...
//- Masato Umakoshi, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Japanese Zero Anaphora Resolution Can Benefit from Para...
//*** Dr. Okahisa joined our lab as a researcher. (2021/8...
//*** Project Researcher Ribeka Tanaka moved to Ochanomiz...
//*** We will present the follwing papers at [[ACL-IJCNLP...
//- Weiqi Gu, Haiyue Song, Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohash...
//Video-guided Machine Translation with Spatial Hierarchi...
//- Jules Samaran, Noa Garcia, Mayu Otani, Chenhui Chu an...
//Attending Self-Attention: A Case Study of Visually Grou...
//*** We will present the follwing papers at [[ACL2021>ht...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Prakhar Gupta, Chenhui Chu, Martin Jagg...
//Lightweight Cross-Lingual Sentence Representation Learn...
//*** We will hold an online briefing session (8 May, 202...
//As part of the [[online admission orientation of the De...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL2021...
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Contextualized and Generalized Sentence Representations...
//- Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Chenhui Chu, Noriko Takemura, Yuta...
//WRIME: A New Dataset for Emotional Intensity Estimation...
//- Honai Ueoka, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Frustratingly Easy Edit-based Linguistic Steganography ...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[EACL2021>h...
//- Yin Jou Huang and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Extractive Summarization Considering Discourse and Core...
//*** As part of the Department of Intelligence Science a...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[COLING202...
//- Raj Dabre, Chenhui Chu, Anoop Kunchukuttan:~
//Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (Tutorial)
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//BERT-based Cohesion Analysis of Japanese Texts
//- Oleksandr Harust, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Native-like Expression Identification by Contrasting Na...
//*** The following papers are accepted by [[EMNLP2020 Fi...
//- Fei Cheng, Masayuki Asahara, Ichiro Kobayashi and Sad...
//Dynamically Updating Event Representations for Temporal...
//- Haoran Zhang, Qianying Liu, Aysa Xuemo Fan, Heng Ji, ...
//Minimize Exposure Bias of Seq2Seq Models in Joint Entit...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2020...
//- Kazumasa Omura, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//A Method for Building a Commonsense Inference Dataset b...
//- Yugo Murawaki:~
//Latent Geographical Factors for Analyzing the Evolution...
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Takumi Yoshikoshi, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohas...
//Multilingualization of a Natural Language Inference Dat...
//*** We built a [[website>http://lotus.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.j...
//*** We will hold an [[online briefing session>https://d...
//We will hold a zoom-based online briefing session (open...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL2020S...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng, Sada...
//Pre-training via Leveraging Assisting Languages for Neu...
//- Yu Tanaka, Yugo Murawaki, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao ...
//Building a Japanese Typo Dataset from Wikipedia's Revis...
//*** Associate Professor Daisuke Kawahara [[moved to Sch...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2020...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Adapting BERT to Implicit Discourse Relation Classifica...
//- Ritsuko Iwai, Daisuke Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada and ...
//Development of a Japanese Personality Dictionary based ...
//- Ritsuko Iwai, Daisuke Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada and ...
//Acquiring Social Knowledge about Personality and Drivin...
//- Shuntaro Yada, Ayami Joh, Ribeka Tanaka, Fei Cheng, E...
//Towards a Versatile Medical-Annotation Guideline Feasib...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Atsushi Fujita, Sadao Kurohas...
//Coursera Corpus Mining and Multistage Fine-Tuning for I...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Fabien Cromieres, Raj Dabre, Haiyue Son...
//JASS: Japanese-specific Sequence to Sequence Pre-traini...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, R...
//Generating Responses that Reflect Meta Information in U...
//*** The following paper received a best paper award of ...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Neural Network-based Chinese Joint Syntactic Analysis
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Integrated anaphora and coreference resolution using BE...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP-IJC...
//- Jun Saito, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Minimally Supervised Learning of Affective Events Using...
//- Qianying Liu, Wenyu Guan,Sujian Li and Daisuke Kawaha...
//Tree-structured Decoding for Solving Math Word Problems
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Kazumasa Omura, Yugo Murawaki, Dai...
//Diversity-aware Event Prediction based on a Conditional...
//- Norio Takahashi, Tomohide Shibata, Daisuke Kawahara a...
//Machine Comprehension Improves Domain-Specific Japanese...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[SemDial2019>h...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ribeka Tanaka and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Collection and Analysis of Meaningful Dialogue by Const...
//*** We published the [[2018 progress report about joint...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[SIGIR2019>htt...
//- Wataru Sakata, Tomohide Shibata, Ribeka Tanaka and Sa...
//FAQ Retrieval using Query-Question Similarity and BERT-...
//*** We presented the following papers at [[NAACL2019>ht...
//- Yin Jou Huang, Jing Lu, Sadao Kurohashi and Vincent N...
//Improving Event Coreference Resolution by Learning Argu...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//Shrinking Japanese Morphological Analyzers With Neural ...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[IJCNN2019>htt...
//- Abhishek Kumar, Asif Ekbal, Daisuke Kawahara and Sada...
//Emotion helps Sentiment: A Multi-task Model for Sentime...
//*** [[Pretrained BERT model for Japanese:http://nlp.ist...
//*** The following paper received the [[Best Paper award...
//- Shuhei Kurita and Anders Søgaard:~
//The semantic dependency parsing model using deep reinfo...
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Hiroki Nakagawa, Yugo Murawaki, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//A quantitative and reductionist analysis of the funnine...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL2019...
//- Yin Jou Huang, Jing Lu, Sadao Kurohashi and Vincent N...
//Improving Event Coreference Resolution by Learning Argu...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//Shrinking Japanese Morphological Analyzers With Neural ...
//*** We went on a skiing trip to ShigaKogen. (2/16-18) [...
//*** We were interviewed by [[Hankei500m>https://www.han...
//- &ref(KUROHASHI-KAWAHARA-LAB/ishida.pdf,,Journal artic...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2018...
//- Yugo Murawaki: Analyzing Correlated Evolution of Mult...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//*** Practical Application Project of Japanese-Chinese M...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[AI-MHRI>h...
//- Katsuyoshi Yamagami, Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kuro...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[COLING201...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi: A...
//- Naoki Otani, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//*** We published a press release about launching a Japa...
//- [[Press release (in Japanese)>http://www.jst.go.jp/pr...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL2018>h...
//- Tomohide Shibata and Sadao Kurohashi: Entity-Centric ...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi: ...
//*** We published a press release about joint research f...
//- [[Press release (in Japanese)>https://www.nii.ac.jp/n...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[NAACL2018>...
//- Abhishek Kumar, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Knowledge-enriched Two-layered Attention Network for Se...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2018>...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Shinnosuke Sawada, Yugo Murawaki, Da...
//Improving Crowdsourcing-Based Annotation of Japanese Di...
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//JFCKB: Japanese Feature Change Knowledge Base
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//JDCFC: A Japanese Dialogue Corpus with Feature Changes
//- Tomohiro Sakaguchi, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kuroha...
//Comprehensive Annotation of Various Types of Temporal I...
//*** Dr. Ribeka Tanaka joined our lab as researcher (4/1...
//*** The following paper received [[a best paper award o...
//- Tomohide Shibata and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Entity-Centric Joint Modeling of Predicate Argument Str...
//*** The following paper received [[a language resource ...
//- Arseny Tolmachev and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Juman++ v2: A Practical and Modern Morphological Analyzer
//***We went to Shigakogen for skip trip (3/3-5). [#g9e41...
//*** KyotoU-Kanken Project "[[Research on Kanji and Japa...
//*** We will conduct the following tutorial at //[[IJCNL...
//- Fabien Cromieres, Toshiaki Nakazawa and Raj Dabre:~
//Neural Machine Translation: Basics, Practical Aspects a...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[PACLIC2017...
//- Raj Dabre, Tetsuji Nakagawa and Hideto Kazawa:~
//An Empirical Study of Language Relatedness for Transfer...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[MT SUMMIT ...
//- Raj Dabre, Fabien Cromieres, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Enabling Multi-Source Neural Machine Translation By Con...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[IWPT 2017>...
//- Daisuke Kawahara, Yuta Hayashibe, Hajime Morita and S...
//Automatically Acquired Lexical Knowledge Improves Japan...
//*** The following paper has been selected as Outstandin...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Neural Joint Model for Transition-based Chinese Syntact...
//*** John Richardson(Google) received 4th AAMT Nagao Stu...
//*** Prof. Kurohashi and Prof. Kawahara received [["The ...
// *** We will present following papers at [[ACL2017>http...
// - Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// Neural Joint Model for Transition-based Chinese Syntac...
// - Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// An Empirical Comparison of Domain Adaptation Methods f...
// *** We went to Shigakogen for skip trip. (3/3-5) [#m38...
// #ref(KUROHASHI-KAWAHARA-LAB/lab_skii_201703.jpg,center...
// ***We will present the following paper at [[EACL2017>h...
// - Gongye Jin, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling using High-qu...
//***We will present following papers at [[COLING2016>htt...
//- Kenji Yamauchi and Yugo Murawaki:
//Contrasting Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Typ...
//- Mo Shen, Wingmui Li, HyunJeong Choe, Chenhui Chu, Dai...
//Consistent Word Segmentation, Part-of-Speech Tagging an...
//- Fabien Cromieres: Kyoto-NMT: A Neural Machine Transla...
//- Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//- Naoki Otani, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi, Nobuh...
//Large-Scale Acquisition of Commonsense Knowledge from a...
//- Fabien Cromieres, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and ...
//Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2016 ([[WAT2016>...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Chenchen Ding, Hideya MINO, Isao G...
//Overview of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation ([[WA...
//*** [[Kyoto University & JST Trilingual Technical Term ...
//*** [[SCTB: A Chinese Treebank in Scientific Domain>htt...
//*** W.Sakata was awarded an incentive award of IPSJ Kan...
//- W.Sakata, T.Shibata and S.Kurohashi:
//Improving Word Representations using Word Relational Kn...
//*** New [[Japanese Morphology Analyzer JUMAN++>http://n...
//*** We had a lab trip to Ise and Shima. (9/3-4) [#l71ad...
//*** We will present following papers at [[EMNLP2016>htt...
//- Naoki Otani, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//IRT-based Aggregation Model of Crowdsourced Pairwise Co...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Insertion Position Selection Model for Flexible Non-Ter...
//*** Dr. Morita was awarded a best paper award of IPSJ n...
//- Development of Practical Japanese Morphological Analy...
//Recurrent Neural Network Language Model
//*** Prof. Kurohashi was appointed to the reserach super...
//*** We will present following papers at [[ACL2016>http:...
//- Tomohide Shibata, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Neural Network-Based Model for Japanese Predicate Argum...
//- Hitoshi Otsuki, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and Sa...
//Dependency Forest based Word Alignment (Student Researc...
//- Raj Dabre, Yevgeniy Puzikov, Fabien Cromieres and Sad...
//- Yu Shen, Chenhui Chu, Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kuro...
//Cross-language Projection of Dependency Trees with Cons...
//*** We will present following papers at [[NAACL2016>htt...
//- Yugo Murawaki:
//Statistical Modeling of Creole Genesis
//- John Richardson, Fabien Cromieres, Toshiaki Nakazawa ...
//- Yuichiro Machida, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi a...
//Design of Word Association Games using Dialog Systems f...
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//Constructing a Dictionary Describing Feature Changes of...
//*** We will present following papers at [[LREC2016>http...
//- Yugo Murawaki and Shinsuke Mori:
//Wikification for Scriptio Continua
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Manabu Yaguchi, Kiyotaka Uchimoto,...
//ASPEC: Asian Scientific Paper Excerpt Corpus
//- Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddin...
//- Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Parallel Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora wi...
//- Antoine Bourlon, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and S...
//Simultaneous Sentence Boundary Detection and Alignment ...
//*** Project Assistant Prof. Murawaki joined our lab. (1...
//*** The team consisting of the students in our lab won ...
//*** Dr. Hayashibe, Associate Prof. Kawahara and Prof. K...
//- Robust Japanese Case Frame Construction against Case ...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLIC2015:http://bcmi...
//- J. Richardson, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:
//Pivot-Based Topic Models for Low-Resource Lexicon Extra...
//- R. Dabre, C. Chu, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Ku...
//Large-scale Dictionary Construction via Pivot-based Sta...
//- Y. Shen, C. Chu, F. Cromieres, and S. Kurohashi:
//Cross-language Projection of Dependency Trees for Tree-...
//*** We published a press release about joint developmen...
//-[[Press release (in Japanese)>https://www.atpress.ne.j...
//*** Our lab held a tour to Tottori Prefecture. (9/7) [#...
//*** We will present a paper at [[EMNLP2015:http://www.e...
//- H. Morita, D. Kawahara and S. Kurohashi:~
//Morphological Analysis for Unsegmented Languages using ...
// *** We will present a paper at [[MT-Summit XV:http://w...
// - Y. Lu, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:~
// Korean-to-Chinese Word Translation using Chinese Chara...
//*** Isao Goto(NHK) received 2nd AAMT Nagao Student Awar...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLING2015:http://pac...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Sadao Kurohashi, Hayato Kobayashi,...
//3-step Parallel Corpus Cleaning using Monolingual Crowd...
//*** We will present a paper at [[SocialNLP2015:https://...
//- Takashi Awamura, Eiji Aramaki, Daisuke Kawahara, Tomo...
//Location Name Disambiguation Exploiting Spatial Proximi...
//*** S.Kohama received [[a Young Researcher Award of NLP...
//- Discriminative Argument Alignment Learning in Event K...
//*** Prof. Kurohashi received [[a 2014 Best Paper Award ...
//- Ryohei Sasano, Sadao Kurohashi and Manabu Okumura:~
//A Simple Approach to Unknown Word Processing in Japanes...
//*** We will present a paper at [[NAACL2015:http://naacl...
//- Raj Dabre, Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Leveraging Small Multilingual Corpora for SMT Using Man...
//*** We held a ski tour to Shigakogen(2/22-24) [#jfe34301]
//*** Prof. Shibata stays at [[CMU:http://www.cs.cmu.edu/...
//***An M1 Student and a research student joined our lab....
//*** Our lab held a tour to [[Kagawa Prefecture:http://e...
//*** We will present a poster at [[WPTP2014:https://site...
//-Y.Kishimoto, T.Nakazawa, D.Kawahara and S.Kurohashi:~
//Post-Editing User Interface Using Visualization of a Se...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLIC 2014:http://www...
//-C.Chu, T.Nakazawa and S.Kurohashi:~
//Improving Statistical Machine Translation Accuracy Usin...
//*** Y.Machida received the "Best student paper award" a...
//- Y.machida, D.Kawahara, T.Shibata, S.Kurohashi and M.S...
//Acquiring word associations with Gamification
//*** We will present a paper at [[EMNLP2014:http://emnlp...
//- Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Translation Rules with Right-Hand Side Lattices
//*** Prof. Kawahara and Prof. Kurohashi received [[a 20t...
//-Gradual Fertilization of Case Frames, Journal of Natur...
//*** We will present a paper at [[COLING2014:http://www...
//-- D. Kawahara, Y. Machida, T. Shibata, S. Kurohashi, H...
//Rapid Development of a Corpus with Discourse Annotation...
//*** Our department will hold [[a meeting for prospectiv...
//-"open lab" will be held at 11:00-12:30 and 15:30-18:00.
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//-M. Shen, H. Liu, D. Kawahara, S. Kurohashi:
//Chinese Morphological Analysis with Character-level POS...
//*** Chu received the "Best student paper award" at [[CI...
//- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//- J. Richardson, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Kuroh...
//KyotoEBMT: An Example-Based Dependency-to-Dependency Tr...
//*** New members joined our lab:(4/1) [#n32e6699]
//-Dr. Morita and Dr. Hayashibe joined our lab as researc...
//-Three M1 students and five B4 students joined our lab.
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson and M. Palmer:~
//A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aw...
//*** We held a ski tour to Shigakogen(2/22-23): [#ic183a...
//*** 2014/04/18 [#k487c72c]
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//--M. Shen, H. Liu, D. Kawahara, S. Kurohashi:
//Chinese Morphological Analysis with Character-level POS...
//*** 2014/04/16 [#tab8d94e]
//-Chu received the "Best student paper award" at [[CICLi...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//-- J. Richardson, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Kuro...
//KyotoEBMT: An Example-Based Dependency-to-Dependency Tr...
//*** 2014/04/01 [#o9f876c0]
//-Dr. Morita and Dr. Hayashibe joined our lab as researc...
//-Three M1 students and five B4 students joined our lab.
//*** 2014/03/06 [#w426d15b]
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//-- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson and M. Palmer:~
//A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aw...
//*** 2014/02/22-23 [#w426d15b]
//- We held a ski tour to Shigakogen:
//*** 2014/02/13 [#sf372d4f]
//-A paper was accepted for [[CILC2014:http://www.congres...
//-- H. Nozawa and D. Kawahara:~
//A Self-correcting Approach to Solve Syntactic Ambiguiti...
//*** 2014/02/01 [#sf372d4f]
//-A paper was accepted for [[CICLing2014:http://www.cicl...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//*** 2014/01/24 [#sf372d4f]
//-Papers were accepted for [[LREC2014:http://lrec2014.lr...
//-- G. Jin, D. Kawahara and S. Kurohashi:~
//A Framework for Compiling High Quality Knowledge Bases ...
//-- J. Richardson, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:~
//Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration ...
//-- D. Kawahara and M. Palmer:~
//Single Classifier Approach for Verb Sense Disambiguatio...
//-- T. Izumi, T. Shibata, H. Asano, Y. Matsuo and S. Kur...
//Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for...
//-- T. Shibata, S. Kohama and S. Kurohashi:~
//A Large Scale Database of Strongly-related Events in Ja...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Constructing a Chinese–Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wi...
//*** 2013/12/20 [#fad4579d]
//- A paper was accepted for [[EACL2014:http://eacl2014.o...
//-- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson, O. Popescu and M. Palme...
//*** 2013/11/28 [#j972996e]
//- We presented the following paper at [[IWPT2013:http:/...
//-- J. Park, et al.: Towards Fully Lexicalized Dependenc...
//*** 2013/11/25 [#r20b170c]
//- A paper was accepted for [[IWSDS2014:http://www.iwsds...
//-- T. Shibata, Y. Egashira and S. Kurohashi: Chat-like ...
//*** 2013/10/01 [#qb38e860]
//- CREST project "Establishment of Knowledge-Intensive S...
//Language Processing and Construction of Knowledge Infra...
//(PI: Prof. Kurohashi, Area: Advanced Core Technologies ...
//- Dr. Murawaki moved to [[Tanaka Lab.:http://www.cl.ait...
//- One M1 student and two research students join our lab.
//*** 2013/9/21-22 [#zd59a8b5]
//- Our lab held a tour to [[Tojinbo:http://en.wikipedia....
RIGHT:[[Back Number]]
//*** 2013/08/26 [#qe031d3e]
//- Papers were accepted for [[EMNLP2013:http://hum.csse....
//-- M. Hangyo, et al.: Japanese Zero Reference Resolutio...
//-- R. Sasano, et al.: Automatic Knowledge Acquisition f...
//*** 2013/07/15 [#ieca6467]
//- Papers were accepted for [[IJCNLP2013:http://lang.cs....
//-- M. Shen, et al.: Chinese Word Segmentation by Mining...
//-- Y. Murawaki: Global Model for Hierarchical Multi-Lab...
//-- J. Richardson, et al.: Robust Transliteration Mining...
//-- D. Kawahara, et al.: Precise Information Retrieval E...
//-- G. Jin, et al.: High Quality Dependency Selection fr...
//-- C. Chu, et al.: Accurate Parallel Fragment Extractio...
//*** 2013/05/20 [#y67841b1]
//- A paper was accepted for [[BUCC2013:http://comparable...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi: Chinese-Japane...
//*** 2013/04/01 [#deaca14a]
//- Four B4 students and three M1 students join our lab.
//*** 2013/03/25 [#q892e177]
//- Prof. Kawahara left for U.S.A. for overseas research ...
//*** 2013/03/14 [#j867c145]
//- Jun Harashima and Prof. Kurohashi received a Best Pap...
//-- J. Harashima and S. Kurohashi. Relevance Feedback us...
//***2012/12/06 [#da36f320]
//- Prof. Kurohashi gave a talk at [[the IPSJ lecture ser...
//***2012/11/09 [#k626da15]
//- A paper was accepted for [[ALR10:http://www.cle.org.p...
//-- D. Cahyadi, F. Cromieres and S. Kurohashi. Constrain...
//***2012/10/25 [#h4678165]
//- Papers were accepted for [[COLING2012:http://www.coli...
//-- T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi. Alignment by Bilingual...
//-- Y. Murawaki and S. Kurohashi. Semi-Supervised Noun C...
//-- J. Harashima and S. Kurohashi. Flexible Japanese Sen...
//***2012/10/01 [#rb7635d5]
//- "[[Inter-Graduate School Program for Design Studies:h...
//accepted for Program for Leading Graduate Schools, MEXT...
//Prof. Kurohashi takes participation in the program.
//***2012/09/21 [#j375e5b3]
//- Yuusuke Egashira, who graduated the master course in ~
//2012, received a Young Researcher Award of NLP2012.
//***2012/08/13 [#m7e3807a]
//- Papers of Masatsugu Hangyo and Shen Mo were accepted ...
//-- Masatsugu Hangyo, Daisuke Kawahara and ~
//Sadao Kurohashi. Building a Diverse Document Leads ~
//Corpus Annotated with Semantic Relations.
//-- Mo Shen, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi. ~
//A Reranking Approach for Dependency Parsing with ~
//Variable-sized Subtree Features.
//*** 2012/08/11 [#o1c15546]
//- We had a vacation in Lake Biwa.
//*** 2012/08/10 [#o1c15546]
//- High school students visited our lab during open camp...
//*** 2012/05/28 [#vcf16c07]
//- Chu Chenhui made a talk at [[LREC 2012:http://www.lre...
//at [[EAMT 2012:http://eamt2012.fbk.eu/]] on May 28.
//*** 2012/04/01 [#rbf66a02]
//- Three B4 students and four M1 students join our lab.
//*** 2012/02/19-21 [#laf3b314]
//- We held a ski tour to Shigakogen.
//*** 2012/01/12 [#zc8d14b0]
//- [[Morphological Analyzer JUMAN 7.0>JUMAN]] and [[Synt...
//*** 2011/12/6-9 [#p7d2bafe]
//- Assistant Prof. Shibata and Assistant Prof. Nakazawa ...
//*** 2011/11/9-11 [#c3a2f07e]
//- Associate Prof. Kawahara, Assistant Prof. Shibata, ~
//Assistant Prof. Nakazawa, and Mr. Harashima made a talk ~
//at [[IJCNLP 2011:http://www.ijcnlp2011.org/]].
//*** 2011/9/30, 10/1 [#o2bca024]
//- Our lab held a tour to [[Hiruzen:http://www.hiruzen.i...
//*** 2011/9/19-23 [#be1e2584]
//- Chu Chenhui made a talk at [[MT-Summit XIII:http://mt...
//*** 2011/07/28 [#m8a880e9]
//- Assistant Prof. Murawaki and Dr. Cromieres made a ta...
//*** 2011/07/13 [#pae8482d]
//- We began to distribute the [[JEC Basic Sentence Data:...
//*** 2011/04/01 [#e5fc41a5]
//- Dr. Shinzato moved to [[Rakuten Institute of Technolo...
//*** 2011/03/22 [#s9d322b1]
//-Prof. Kurohashi was awarded [[a Contribution Award in ...
// *** 2011/02/20-22 [#ie199239]
// - We held a ski tour to Shigakogen.
// #ref(ski2011.jpg,right,zoom,30%)
//*** 2011/02/09 [#lb260f30]
//- Prof. Kurohashi and Associate Prof. Kawahara were awa...
// *** 2010/12/01 [#e5fc41a5]
// - Dr. Sasano Moved to [[Okumura Lab.:http://www.lr.pi....
// *** 2010/10/15 [#l8098853]
// - Prof. Kurohashi was awarded the 9th Docomo Mobile Sc...
// *** 2010/10/01 [#p7b36297]
// - Associate Prof. Kawahara joined the laboratory.
// #ref(shirakawago_small.png,right,around,zoom,60%)
// *** 2010/09/29-30 [#a0203be1]
// - We held a tour to Shirakawago.
// #clear
* Research Overview [#a737b779]
Language is the most reliable medium of human intellectual
activities. Our objective is to establish the technology ...
discipline for handling and understanding language, in a ...
is as close as possible to that of humans, using computer...
include syntactic language analysis, semantic analysis, c...
analysis, text comprehension, text generation and diction...
to develop various application systems for machine transl...
information retrieval.
** [[Search Engine Infrastructure based on Deep Natural L...
The essential purpose of information retrieval is not to ...
a relevant document but to acquire the information or kno...
document. We have been developing a next-generation infra...
information retrieval on the basis of the following techn...
natural language processing: precise processing based not...
on predicate-argument structures, identifying the variety...
linguistic expressions and providing a bird's-eye view of...
results via clustering and interaction.
** [[Machine Translation>Research#o2f5d238]] [#nf1fce74]
To bring automatic translation by computers to the level ...
translation, we have been studying next-generation method...
machine translation on the basis of text understanding an...
collection of translation examples. We have already accom...
practical translation on the domain of travel conversatio...
constructed a translation-aid system that can be used by ...
patent translation.
// From 2006, we participate in the Japanese-Chinese tran...
// by the special coordination funds for the promotion of...
// technology.
** [[Fundamental Studies on Text Understanding>Research#i...
// #ref(understanding.png,right,around)
To make computers understand language, it is essential to...
computers world knowledge. This was a very hard problem t...
but it has become possible to acquire knowledge from a ma...
of text in virtue of the drastic progress of computing po...
network. We have successfully acquired linguistic pattern...
predicate-argument structures from automatic parses of 7 ...
Japanese sentences crawled from the Web using grid comput...
machines. By utilizing such knowledge, we study text unde...
i.e., recognizing the relationships between words and phr...
* Policy Regarding Acceptance of Students from Outside [#...
Prof. Kurohashi does not supervise new students. Assoc. P...
*** Master course [#n4b1d099]
- You can take the master course entrance exam of our cou...
- Due to the capacity of our lab, we do not accept resear...
principle, but you may contact in case that you have appl...
*** PhD course [#m5aceb40]
- You may contact in case that you have already published...
- Being able to communicate in English or Japanese.
* Access [#q9c4c7ca]
- Address
-- Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
-- S208, Research Bldg. No.9, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto ...
--- [[Map of Yoshida Main Campus:https://www.kyoto-u.ac.j...
--- [[Location of Yoshida Main Campus:http://www.kyoto-u....
- Contact
-- Tel/Fax: +81-75-753-5962
-- Email: contact at nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
* What's New [#ffca0fe1]
*** We will present the following paper at [[NAACL 2025>h...
- Siddhant Arora, Yifan Peng, Jiatong Shi, Jinchuan Tian,...
*** Dr. Jivnesh Sandhan joined our lab as a researcher. (...
*** We climbed Mount Daimonji. (11/27) [#t1954a3b]
*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP 2024>...
- Yin Jou Huang, Rafik Hadfi: How Personality Traits Infl...
- Junfeng Jiang, Fei Cheng, Akiko Aizawa: Improving Refer...
*** Zhuoyuan Mao who got his Ph.D. degree last fiscal yea...
- Breaking Language Barriers: Enhancing Multilingual Repr...
*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL 2024>ht...
- Sirou Chen, Sakiko Yahata, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhengdong...
MELD-ST: An Emotion-aware Speech Translation Dataset (Fin...
- Yahan Yu, Duzhen Zhang, Xiuyi Chen, Chenhui Chu: ~
Flexible Weight Tuning and Weight Fusion Strategies for C...
- Duzhen Zhang, Yahan Yu, Chenxing Li, Jiahua Dong, Dan S...
MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Mod...
- Zhen Wan, Yating Zhang, Yexiang Wang, Fei Cheng, Sadao ...
Reformulating Domain Adaptation of Large Language Models ...
*** We will hold a briefing session (2024/5/11) [#ze47c616]
- As part of the [[admission orientation of the Intellige...
*** The following paper received the FY2023 best paper aw...
- Kazumasa Omura, Daisuke Kawahara, and Sadao Kurohashi:~
Building a Commonsense Inference Dataset based on Basic E...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC-COLI...
// - Taishi Chika, Taro Okahisa, Takashi Kodama, Yin Jou ...
//Domain Transferable Semantic Frames for Expert Intervie...
// - Yikun Sun, Zhen Wan, Nobuhiro Ueda, Sakiko Yahata, F...
//Rapidly Developing High-quality Instruction Data and Ev...
// - Norizo Sakaguchi, Yugo Murawaki, Chenhui Chu and Sad...
//Identifying Source Language Expressions for Pre-editing...
// - Nobuhiro Ueda, Hideko Habe, Yoko Matsui, Akishige Yu...
//A Japanese Conversation Dataset for Real-world Referenc...
// - Hao Wang, Tang Li, Chenhui Chu, Rui Wang and Pinpin ...
//Towards Human-Like Machine Comprehension: Few-Shot Rela...
// - Rikito Takahashi, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Chenhui Chu and...
//Abstractive Multi-Video Captioning: Benchmark Dataset C...
// - Yugo Murawaki:~
//Principal Component Analysis as a Sanity Check for Baye...
// - Kazumasa Omura, Fei Cheng and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//An Empirical Study of Synthetic Data Generation for Imp...
// - Xiaotian Lu, Jiyi Li, Zhen Wan, Xiaofeng Lin, Koh Ta...
//Evaluating Saliency Explanations in NLP by Crowdsourcing
// - Francois Meyer, Haiyue Song, Abhisek Chakrabarty, Ja...
//NGLUEni: Benchmarking and Adapting Pretrained Language ...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2023...
//- Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuro...
//Video-Helpful Multimodal Machine Translation
//- Shunya Kato, Shuhei Kurita, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuroha...
//ARKitSceneRefer: Text-based Localization of Small Objec...
//- Hao Wang, Xiahua Chen, Rui Wang, Chenhui Chu:~
//Vision-Enhanced Semantic Entity Recognition in Document...
//- Hao Wang, Qingxuan Wang, Yue Li, Changqing Wang, Chen...
//DocTrack: A Visually-Rich Document Dataset Really Align...
//- Zhen Wan, Fei Cheng, Zhuoyuan Mao, Qianying Liu, Haiy...
//GPT-RE: In-context Learning for Relation Extraction usi...
//*** We had a lab trip to Ehime. (9/13-14) [#t1954a3b]
//*** The following paper received the best paper award o...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[ACL2023 St...
//- Takashi Kodama, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Yin Jou Huang, Tar...
//Is a Knowledge-based Response Engaging?: An Analysis on...
//*** The following paper was accepted for [[ICCE 2023>ht...
//- Kazumasa Omura, Kei Kubo, Frederic Bergeron, Sadao Ku...
//Toward Game-Based Learning of Japanese Writing for Elem...
//(accepted as a short paper)
//*** We will present the following paper at [[IWSLT2023>...
//- Zhengdong Yang, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhou Wangjin, Shen...
//Kyoto Speech-to-Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023
//*** We will hold a briefing session (2023/5/13) [#r8f4f...
//As part of the admission orientation of the Intelligenc...
//*** The following papers received the excellence award ...
//- Tatsuro Inaba, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Fei Cheng, Sadao Ku...
//A Reasoning Framework Using Multiple External Tools bas...
//*** The following papers received the young researcher ...
//- Koki Watanabe, Yugo Murawaki, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Extracting Textual Expressions Characteristic of a Popu...
//- Shunya Kato, Shuhei Kurita, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kuroha...
//ARKitSceneRefer: Text-based Localization of Small Objec...
//- Shiho Matta, Yin Jou Huang, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Sadao ...
//Utilizing Pseudo Dialogue in Conversational Semantic Fr...
//*** The following papers received the special committee...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Hideko Habe, Akishige Yuguchi, Seiya K...
//Construction of a Multi-modal Dialogue Dataset for Comp...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ICASSP202...
//- Qianying Liu, Zhuo Gong, Zhengdong Yang, Yuhang Yang,...
//Hierarchical Softmax for End-to-End Low-resource Multil...
//- Kak Soky, Sheng Li, Chenhui Chu, Tatsuya Kawahara:~
//Domain and Language Adaptation Using Heterogeneous Data...
//*** Post-doctoral researcher Huang Yin Jou starts worki...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EACL2023>...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao and Tetsuji Nakagawa:~
//LEALLA: Learning Lightweight Language-agnostic Sentence...
//- Qianying Liu, Wenyu Guan, Jianhao Shen, Fei Cheng and...
//ComSearch:Equation Searching with Combinatorial Strateg...
//- Zhen Wan, Fei Cheng, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Haiy...
//Relation Extraction with Weighted Contrastive Pre-train...
//*** Prof. Sadao Kurohashi will assume the position of D...
//*** We released the [[Japanese Culinary Interview Dialo...
//*** The following paper has been selected as Outstandin...
//- Kazumasa Omura and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-da...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2022...
//- Zhen Wan, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng, Sada...
//Rescue Implicit and Long-tail Cases: Nearest Neighbor R...
//- Yibin Shen, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng and...
//Textual Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Solving Math ...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[AACL-IJCN...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Zhuoyuan Mao, Chenhui Chu, Sa...
//BERTSeg: BERT Based Unsupervised Subword Segmentation f...
//-Yibin Shen, Qianying Liu, Zhuoyuan Mao, Zhen Wan, Fei ...
//Seeking Diverse Reasoning Logic: Controlled Equation Ex...
//-Jumon Nozaki and Yugo Murawaki:~
//Addressing Segmentation Ambiguity in Neural Linguistic ...
//*** We released a Japanese analyzer named KWJA on [[Gi...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Kazumasa Omura, Takashi Kodama, Hiroka...
//KWJA: A Japanese Analyzer Based on Pre-trained Language...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[CRAC2022>...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Bridging Reference Resolution using Continuou...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[COLING2022...
//- Kazumasa Omura and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-da...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[Interspee...
//- Zhengdong Yang, Wangjin Zhou, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, ...
//Fusion of Self-supervised Learned Models for MOS Predic...
//- Kak Soky, Sheng Li, Masato Mimura, Chenhui Chu and Ta...
//Leveraging Simultaneous Translation for Enhancing Trans...
//*** Project Researcher Taro Okahisa moved to [[Shizuoka...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL 202...
//- Takumi Yoshikoshi, Takashi Kodama, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Explicit Use of Topicality in Dialogue Response Generat...
//- Prakhar Saxena, Yin Jou Huang and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Static and Dynamic Speaker Modeling based on Graph Neur...
//*** We will present a paper at [[DialDoc2022>https://do...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ribeka Tanaka and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Construction of Hierarchical Structured Knowledge-based...
//*** We will hold a briefing session (2022/5/14) [#jd316...
//As part of the [[admission orientation of the Departmen...
//*** We will present a paper at [[NAACL 2022>https://202...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre, Haiyue Song, Zh...
//When do Contrastive Word Alignments Improve Many-to-man...
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL 2022 Student Resea...
//- Yongmin Kim, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Flexible Visual Grounding
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2022>...
//- Fei Cheng, Shuntaro Yada, Ribeka Tanaka, Eiji ARAMAKI...
//JaMIE: A Pipeline Japanese Medical Information Extracti...
//- Felix Giovanni Virgo, Fei Cheng, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Improving Event Duration Question Answering by Leveragi...
//- Taro Okahisa, Ribeka Tanaka, Takashi Kodama, Yin Jou ...
//Constructing a Culinary Interview Dialogue Corpus with ...
//- Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Weiqi Gu, Chenhui Chu a...
//VISA: An Ambiguous Subtitles Dataset for Visual Scene-a...
//*** Associate Professor Chu received a Google Research ...
//*** The following paper received the Special Committee ...
//- Rikito Takahashi, Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Abstractive Captioning from Multiple Videos
//- Yihang Li, Shuichirou Shimizu, Chenhui Chu and Sadao ...
//Towards the Construction of Multimodal Machine Translat...
//*** We have //[[released>https://www.kanken.or.jp/proje...
//*** The following article by Takumi Yoshikoshi and Hiro...
//- [[Development of an automatic Japanese wordplay gener...
//*** The following paper was accepted to AAAI 2022 [#hec...
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Minimally-Supervised Joint Learning of Event Volitional...
//*** We went on a hike to Manshuin. (2021/11/17) [#hecd8...
//*** The following paper was accepted to EMNLP2021 Findi...
//- Masato Umakoshi, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Japanese Zero Anaphora Resolution Can Benefit from Para...
//*** Dr. Okahisa joined our lab as a researcher. (2021/8...
//*** Project Researcher Ribeka Tanaka moved to Ochanomiz...
//*** We will present the follwing papers at [[ACL-IJCNLP...
//- Weiqi Gu, Haiyue Song, Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohash...
//Video-guided Machine Translation with Spatial Hierarchi...
//- Jules Samaran, Noa Garcia, Mayu Otani, Chenhui Chu an...
//Attending Self-Attention: A Case Study of Visually Grou...
//*** We will present the follwing papers at [[ACL2021>ht...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Prakhar Gupta, Chenhui Chu, Martin Jagg...
//Lightweight Cross-Lingual Sentence Representation Learn...
//*** We will hold an online briefing session (8 May, 202...
//As part of the [[online admission orientation of the De...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL2021...
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Contextualized and Generalized Sentence Representations...
//- Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Chenhui Chu, Noriko Takemura, Yuta...
//WRIME: A New Dataset for Emotional Intensity Estimation...
//- Honai Ueoka, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Frustratingly Easy Edit-based Linguistic Steganography ...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[EACL2021>h...
//- Yin Jou Huang and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Extractive Summarization Considering Discourse and Core...
//*** As part of the Department of Intelligence Science a...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[COLING202...
//- Raj Dabre, Chenhui Chu, Anoop Kunchukuttan:~
//Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (Tutorial)
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//BERT-based Cohesion Analysis of Japanese Texts
//- Oleksandr Harust, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Native-like Expression Identification by Contrasting Na...
//*** The following papers are accepted by [[EMNLP2020 Fi...
//- Fei Cheng, Masayuki Asahara, Ichiro Kobayashi and Sad...
//Dynamically Updating Event Representations for Temporal...
//- Haoran Zhang, Qianying Liu, Aysa Xuemo Fan, Heng Ji, ...
//Minimize Exposure Bias of Seq2Seq Models in Joint Entit...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2020...
//- Kazumasa Omura, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//A Method for Building a Commonsense Inference Dataset b...
//- Yugo Murawaki:~
//Latent Geographical Factors for Analyzing the Evolution...
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Takumi Yoshikoshi, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohas...
//Multilingualization of a Natural Language Inference Dat...
//*** We built a [[website>http://lotus.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.j...
//*** We will hold an [[online briefing session>https://d...
//We will hold a zoom-based online briefing session (open...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL2020S...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Zhuoyuan Mao, Fei Cheng, Sada...
//Pre-training via Leveraging Assisting Languages for Neu...
//- Yu Tanaka, Yugo Murawaki, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao ...
//Building a Japanese Typo Dataset from Wikipedia's Revis...
//*** Associate Professor Daisuke Kawahara [[moved to Sch...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2020...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Adapting BERT to Implicit Discourse Relation Classifica...
//- Ritsuko Iwai, Daisuke Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada and ...
//Development of a Japanese Personality Dictionary based ...
//- Ritsuko Iwai, Daisuke Kawahara, Takatsune Kumada and ...
//Acquiring Social Knowledge about Personality and Drivin...
//- Shuntaro Yada, Ayami Joh, Ribeka Tanaka, Fei Cheng, E...
//Towards a Versatile Medical-Annotation Guideline Feasib...
//- Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Atsushi Fujita, Sadao Kurohas...
//Coursera Corpus Mining and Multistage Fine-Tuning for I...
//- Zhuoyuan Mao, Fabien Cromieres, Raj Dabre, Haiyue Son...
//JASS: Japanese-specific Sequence to Sequence Pre-traini...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, R...
//Generating Responses that Reflect Meta Information in U...
//*** The following paper received a best paper award of ...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Neural Network-based Chinese Joint Syntactic Analysis
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Nobuhiro Ueda, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Integrated anaphora and coreference resolution using BE...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP-IJC...
//- Jun Saito, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Minimally Supervised Learning of Affective Events Using...
//- Qianying Liu, Wenyu Guan,Sujian Li and Daisuke Kawaha...
//Tree-structured Decoding for Solving Math Word Problems
//- Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Kazumasa Omura, Yugo Murawaki, Dai...
//Diversity-aware Event Prediction based on a Conditional...
//- Norio Takahashi, Tomohide Shibata, Daisuke Kawahara a...
//Machine Comprehension Improves Domain-Specific Japanese...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[SemDial2019>h...
//- Takashi Kodama, Ribeka Tanaka and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Collection and Analysis of Meaningful Dialogue by Const...
//*** We published the [[2018 progress report about joint...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[SIGIR2019>htt...
//- Wataru Sakata, Tomohide Shibata, Ribeka Tanaka and Sa...
//FAQ Retrieval using Query-Question Similarity and BERT-...
//*** We presented the following papers at [[NAACL2019>ht...
//- Yin Jou Huang, Jing Lu, Sadao Kurohashi and Vincent N...
//Improving Event Coreference Resolution by Learning Argu...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//Shrinking Japanese Morphological Analyzers With Neural ...
//*** We presented the following paper at [[IJCNN2019>htt...
//- Abhishek Kumar, Asif Ekbal, Daisuke Kawahara and Sada...
//Emotion helps Sentiment: A Multi-task Model for Sentime...
//*** [[Pretrained BERT model for Japanese:http://nlp.ist...
//*** The following paper received the [[Best Paper award...
//- Shuhei Kurita and Anders Søgaard:~
//The semantic dependency parsing model using deep reinfo...
//*** The following paper received [[the Young Researcher...
//- Hiroki Nakagawa, Yugo Murawaki, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//A quantitative and reductionist analysis of the funnine...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[NAACL2019...
//- Yin Jou Huang, Jing Lu, Sadao Kurohashi and Vincent N...
//Improving Event Coreference Resolution by Learning Argu...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//Shrinking Japanese Morphological Analyzers With Neural ...
//*** We went on a skiing trip to ShigaKogen. (2/16-18) [...
//*** We were interviewed by [[Hankei500m>https://www.han...
//- &ref(KUROHASHI-KAWAHARA-LAB/ishida.pdf,,Journal artic...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[EMNLP2018...
//- Yugo Murawaki: Analyzing Correlated Evolution of Mult...
//- Arseny Tolmachev, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohash...
//*** Practical Application Project of Japanese-Chinese M...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[AI-MHRI>h...
//- Katsuyoshi Yamagami, Hirokazu Kiyomaru and Sadao Kuro...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[COLING201...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Yugo Murawaki and Sadao Kurohashi: A...
//- Naoki Otani, Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//*** We published a press release about launching a Japa...
//- [[Press release (in Japanese)>http://www.jst.go.jp/pr...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[ACL2018>h...
//- Tomohide Shibata and Sadao Kurohashi: Entity-Centric ...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi: ...
//*** We published a press release about joint research f...
//- [[Press release (in Japanese)>https://www.nii.ac.jp/n...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[NAACL2018>...
//- Abhishek Kumar, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Knowledge-enriched Two-layered Attention Network for Se...
//*** We will present the following papers at [[LREC2018>...
//- Yudai Kishimoto, Shinnosuke Sawada, Yugo Murawaki, Da...
//Improving Crowdsourcing-Based Annotation of Japanese Di...
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//JFCKB: Japanese Feature Change Knowledge Base
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//JDCFC: A Japanese Dialogue Corpus with Feature Changes
//- Tomohiro Sakaguchi, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kuroha...
//Comprehensive Annotation of Various Types of Temporal I...
//*** Dr. Ribeka Tanaka joined our lab as researcher (4/1...
//*** The following paper received [[a best paper award o...
//- Tomohide Shibata and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Entity-Centric Joint Modeling of Predicate Argument Str...
//*** The following paper received [[a language resource ...
//- Arseny Tolmachev and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Juman++ v2: A Practical and Modern Morphological Analyzer
//***We went to Shigakogen for skip trip (3/3-5). [#g9e41...
//*** KyotoU-Kanken Project "[[Research on Kanji and Japa...
//*** We will conduct the following tutorial at //[[IJCNL...
//- Fabien Cromieres, Toshiaki Nakazawa and Raj Dabre:~
//Neural Machine Translation: Basics, Practical Aspects a...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[PACLIC2017...
//- Raj Dabre, Tetsuji Nakagawa and Hideto Kazawa:~
//An Empirical Study of Language Relatedness for Transfer...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[MT SUMMIT ...
//- Raj Dabre, Fabien Cromieres, Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Enabling Multi-Source Neural Machine Translation By Con...
//*** We will present the following paper at [[IWPT 2017>...
//- Daisuke Kawahara, Yuta Hayashibe, Hajime Morita and S...
//Automatically Acquired Lexical Knowledge Improves Japan...
//*** The following paper has been selected as Outstandin...
//- Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Neural Joint Model for Transition-based Chinese Syntact...
//*** John Richardson(Google) received 4th AAMT Nagao Stu...
//*** Prof. Kurohashi and Prof. Kawahara received [["The ...
// *** We will present following papers at [[ACL2017>http...
// - Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// Neural Joint Model for Transition-based Chinese Syntac...
// - Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// An Empirical Comparison of Domain Adaptation Methods f...
// *** We went to Shigakogen for skip trip. (3/3-5) [#m38...
// #ref(KUROHASHI-KAWAHARA-LAB/lab_skii_201703.jpg,center...
// ***We will present the following paper at [[EACL2017>h...
// - Gongye Jin, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:~
// Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling using High-qu...
//***We will present following papers at [[COLING2016>htt...
//- Kenji Yamauchi and Yugo Murawaki:
//Contrasting Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Typ...
//- Mo Shen, Wingmui Li, HyunJeong Choe, Chenhui Chu, Dai...
//Consistent Word Segmentation, Part-of-Speech Tagging an...
//- Fabien Cromieres: Kyoto-NMT: A Neural Machine Transla...
//- Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//- Naoki Otani, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi, Nobuh...
//Large-Scale Acquisition of Commonsense Knowledge from a...
//- Fabien Cromieres, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and ...
//Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2016 ([[WAT2016>...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Chenchen Ding, Hideya MINO, Isao G...
//Overview of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation ([[WA...
//*** [[Kyoto University & JST Trilingual Technical Term ...
//*** [[SCTB: A Chinese Treebank in Scientific Domain>htt...
//*** W.Sakata was awarded an incentive award of IPSJ Kan...
//- W.Sakata, T.Shibata and S.Kurohashi:
//Improving Word Representations using Word Relational Kn...
//*** New [[Japanese Morphology Analyzer JUMAN++>http://n...
//*** We had a lab trip to Ise and Shima. (9/3-4) [#l71ad...
//*** We will present following papers at [[EMNLP2016>htt...
//- Naoki Otani, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Daisuke Kawahara and ...
//IRT-based Aggregation Model of Crowdsourced Pairwise Co...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Insertion Position Selection Model for Flexible Non-Ter...
//*** Dr. Morita was awarded a best paper award of IPSJ n...
//- Development of Practical Japanese Morphological Analy...
//Recurrent Neural Network Language Model
//*** Prof. Kurohashi was appointed to the reserach super...
//*** We will present following papers at [[ACL2016>http:...
//- Tomohide Shibata, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Neural Network-Based Model for Japanese Predicate Argum...
//- Hitoshi Otsuki, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and Sa...
//Dependency Forest based Word Alignment (Student Researc...
//- Raj Dabre, Yevgeniy Puzikov, Fabien Cromieres and Sad...
//- Yu Shen, Chenhui Chu, Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kuro...
//Cross-language Projection of Dependency Trees with Cons...
//*** We will present following papers at [[NAACL2016>htt...
//- Yugo Murawaki:
//Statistical Modeling of Creole Genesis
//- John Richardson, Fabien Cromieres, Toshiaki Nakazawa ...
//- Yuichiro Machida, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi a...
//Design of Word Association Games using Dialog Systems f...
//- Tetsuaki Nakamura and Daisuke Kawahara:
//Constructing a Dictionary Describing Feature Changes of...
//*** We will present following papers at [[LREC2016>http...
//- Yugo Murawaki and Shinsuke Mori:
//Wikification for Scriptio Continua
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Manabu Yaguchi, Kiyotaka Uchimoto,...
//ASPEC: Asian Scientific Paper Excerpt Corpus
//- Chenhui Chu and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddin...
//- Chenhui Chu, Raj Dabre and Sadao Kurohashi:
//Parallel Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora wi...
//- Antoine Bourlon, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and S...
//Simultaneous Sentence Boundary Detection and Alignment ...
//*** Project Assistant Prof. Murawaki joined our lab. (1...
//*** The team consisting of the students in our lab won ...
//*** Dr. Hayashibe, Associate Prof. Kawahara and Prof. K...
//- Robust Japanese Case Frame Construction against Case ...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLIC2015:http://bcmi...
//- J. Richardson, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:
//Pivot-Based Topic Models for Low-Resource Lexicon Extra...
//- R. Dabre, C. Chu, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Ku...
//Large-scale Dictionary Construction via Pivot-based Sta...
//- Y. Shen, C. Chu, F. Cromieres, and S. Kurohashi:
//Cross-language Projection of Dependency Trees for Tree-...
//*** We published a press release about joint developmen...
//-[[Press release (in Japanese)>https://www.atpress.ne.j...
//*** Our lab held a tour to Tottori Prefecture. (9/7) [#...
//*** We will present a paper at [[EMNLP2015:http://www.e...
//- H. Morita, D. Kawahara and S. Kurohashi:~
//Morphological Analysis for Unsegmented Languages using ...
// *** We will present a paper at [[MT-Summit XV:http://w...
// - Y. Lu, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:~
// Korean-to-Chinese Word Translation using Chinese Chara...
//*** Isao Goto(NHK) received 2nd AAMT Nagao Student Awar...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLING2015:http://pac...
//- Toshiaki Nakazawa, Sadao Kurohashi, Hayato Kobayashi,...
//3-step Parallel Corpus Cleaning using Monolingual Crowd...
//*** We will present a paper at [[SocialNLP2015:https://...
//- Takashi Awamura, Eiji Aramaki, Daisuke Kawahara, Tomo...
//Location Name Disambiguation Exploiting Spatial Proximi...
//*** S.Kohama received [[a Young Researcher Award of NLP...
//- Discriminative Argument Alignment Learning in Event K...
//*** Prof. Kurohashi received [[a 2014 Best Paper Award ...
//- Ryohei Sasano, Sadao Kurohashi and Manabu Okumura:~
//A Simple Approach to Unknown Word Processing in Japanes...
//*** We will present a paper at [[NAACL2015:http://naacl...
//- Raj Dabre, Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Leveraging Small Multilingual Corpora for SMT Using Man...
//*** We held a ski tour to Shigakogen(2/22-24) [#jfe34301]
//*** Prof. Shibata stays at [[CMU:http://www.cs.cmu.edu/...
//***An M1 Student and a research student joined our lab....
//*** Our lab held a tour to [[Kagawa Prefecture:http://e...
//*** We will present a poster at [[WPTP2014:https://site...
//-Y.Kishimoto, T.Nakazawa, D.Kawahara and S.Kurohashi:~
//Post-Editing User Interface Using Visualization of a Se...
//*** We will present a paper at [[PACLIC 2014:http://www...
//-C.Chu, T.Nakazawa and S.Kurohashi:~
//Improving Statistical Machine Translation Accuracy Usin...
//*** Y.Machida received the "Best student paper award" a...
//- Y.machida, D.Kawahara, T.Shibata, S.Kurohashi and M.S...
//Acquiring word associations with Gamification
//*** We will present a paper at [[EMNLP2014:http://emnlp...
//- Fabien Cromieres and Sadao Kurohashi:~
//Translation Rules with Right-Hand Side Lattices
//*** Prof. Kawahara and Prof. Kurohashi received [[a 20t...
//-Gradual Fertilization of Case Frames, Journal of Natur...
//*** We will present a paper at [[COLING2014:http://www...
//-- D. Kawahara, Y. Machida, T. Shibata, S. Kurohashi, H...
//Rapid Development of a Corpus with Discourse Annotation...
//*** Our department will hold [[a meeting for prospectiv...
//-"open lab" will be held at 11:00-12:30 and 15:30-18:00.
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//-M. Shen, H. Liu, D. Kawahara, S. Kurohashi:
//Chinese Morphological Analysis with Character-level POS...
//*** Chu received the "Best student paper award" at [[CI...
//- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//- J. Richardson, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Kuroh...
//KyotoEBMT: An Example-Based Dependency-to-Dependency Tr...
//*** New members joined our lab:(4/1) [#n32e6699]
//-Dr. Morita and Dr. Hayashibe joined our lab as researc...
//-Three M1 students and five B4 students joined our lab.
//*** We will present a paper at [[ACL2014:http://www.cs....
//- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson and M. Palmer:~
//A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aw...
//*** We held a ski tour to Shigakogen(2/22-23): [#ic183a...
//*** 2014/04/18 [#k487c72c]
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//--M. Shen, H. Liu, D. Kawahara, S. Kurohashi:
//Chinese Morphological Analysis with Character-level POS...
//*** 2014/04/16 [#tab8d94e]
//-Chu received the "Best student paper award" at [[CICLi...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//-- J. Richardson, F. Cromieres, T. Nakazawa and S. Kuro...
//KyotoEBMT: An Example-Based Dependency-to-Dependency Tr...
//*** 2014/04/01 [#o9f876c0]
//-Dr. Morita and Dr. Hayashibe joined our lab as researc...
//-Three M1 students and five B4 students joined our lab.
//*** 2014/03/06 [#w426d15b]
//-A paper was accepted for [[ACL2014:http://www.cs.jhu.e...
//-- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson and M. Palmer:~
//A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aw...
//*** 2014/02/22-23 [#w426d15b]
//- We held a ski tour to Shigakogen:
//*** 2014/02/13 [#sf372d4f]
//-A paper was accepted for [[CILC2014:http://www.congres...
//-- H. Nozawa and D. Kawahara:~
//A Self-correcting Approach to Solve Syntactic Ambiguiti...
//*** 2014/02/01 [#sf372d4f]
//-A paper was accepted for [[CICLing2014:http://www.cicl...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable ...
//*** 2014/01/24 [#sf372d4f]
//-Papers were accepted for [[LREC2014:http://lrec2014.lr...
//-- G. Jin, D. Kawahara and S. Kurohashi:~
//A Framework for Compiling High Quality Knowledge Bases ...
//-- J. Richardson, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi:~
//Bilingual Dictionary Construction with Transliteration ...
//-- D. Kawahara and M. Palmer:~
//Single Classifier Approach for Verb Sense Disambiguatio...
//-- T. Izumi, T. Shibata, H. Asano, Y. Matsuo and S. Kur...
//Constructing a Corpus of Japanese Predicate Phrases for...
//-- T. Shibata, S. Kohama and S. Kurohashi:~
//A Large Scale Database of Strongly-related Events in Ja...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa, S. Kurohashi:~
//Constructing a Chinese–Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wi...
//*** 2013/12/20 [#fad4579d]
//- A paper was accepted for [[EACL2014:http://eacl2014.o...
//-- D. Kawahara, D. W. Peterson, O. Popescu and M. Palme...
//*** 2013/11/28 [#j972996e]
//- We presented the following paper at [[IWPT2013:http:/...
//-- J. Park, et al.: Towards Fully Lexicalized Dependenc...
//*** 2013/11/25 [#r20b170c]
//- A paper was accepted for [[IWSDS2014:http://www.iwsds...
//-- T. Shibata, Y. Egashira and S. Kurohashi: Chat-like ...
//*** 2013/10/01 [#qb38e860]
//- CREST project "Establishment of Knowledge-Intensive S...
//Language Processing and Construction of Knowledge Infra...
//(PI: Prof. Kurohashi, Area: Advanced Core Technologies ...
//- Dr. Murawaki moved to [[Tanaka Lab.:http://www.cl.ait...
//- One M1 student and two research students join our lab.
//*** 2013/9/21-22 [#zd59a8b5]
//- Our lab held a tour to [[Tojinbo:http://en.wikipedia....
RIGHT:[[Back Number]]
//*** 2013/08/26 [#qe031d3e]
//- Papers were accepted for [[EMNLP2013:http://hum.csse....
//-- M. Hangyo, et al.: Japanese Zero Reference Resolutio...
//-- R. Sasano, et al.: Automatic Knowledge Acquisition f...
//*** 2013/07/15 [#ieca6467]
//- Papers were accepted for [[IJCNLP2013:http://lang.cs....
//-- M. Shen, et al.: Chinese Word Segmentation by Mining...
//-- Y. Murawaki: Global Model for Hierarchical Multi-Lab...
//-- J. Richardson, et al.: Robust Transliteration Mining...
//-- D. Kawahara, et al.: Precise Information Retrieval E...
//-- G. Jin, et al.: High Quality Dependency Selection fr...
//-- C. Chu, et al.: Accurate Parallel Fragment Extractio...
//*** 2013/05/20 [#y67841b1]
//- A paper was accepted for [[BUCC2013:http://comparable...
//-- C. Chu, T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi: Chinese-Japane...
//*** 2013/04/01 [#deaca14a]
//- Four B4 students and three M1 students join our lab.
//*** 2013/03/25 [#q892e177]
//- Prof. Kawahara left for U.S.A. for overseas research ...
//*** 2013/03/14 [#j867c145]
//- Jun Harashima and Prof. Kurohashi received a Best Pap...
//-- J. Harashima and S. Kurohashi. Relevance Feedback us...
//***2012/12/06 [#da36f320]
//- Prof. Kurohashi gave a talk at [[the IPSJ lecture ser...
//***2012/11/09 [#k626da15]
//- A paper was accepted for [[ALR10:http://www.cle.org.p...
//-- D. Cahyadi, F. Cromieres and S. Kurohashi. Constrain...
//***2012/10/25 [#h4678165]
//- Papers were accepted for [[COLING2012:http://www.coli...
//-- T. Nakazawa and S. Kurohashi. Alignment by Bilingual...
//-- Y. Murawaki and S. Kurohashi. Semi-Supervised Noun C...
//-- J. Harashima and S. Kurohashi. Flexible Japanese Sen...
//***2012/10/01 [#rb7635d5]
//- "[[Inter-Graduate School Program for Design Studies:h...
//accepted for Program for Leading Graduate Schools, MEXT...
//Prof. Kurohashi takes participation in the program.
//***2012/09/21 [#j375e5b3]
//- Yuusuke Egashira, who graduated the master course in ~
//2012, received a Young Researcher Award of NLP2012.
//***2012/08/13 [#m7e3807a]
//- Papers of Masatsugu Hangyo and Shen Mo were accepted ...
//-- Masatsugu Hangyo, Daisuke Kawahara and ~
//Sadao Kurohashi. Building a Diverse Document Leads ~
//Corpus Annotated with Semantic Relations.
//-- Mo Shen, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi. ~
//A Reranking Approach for Dependency Parsing with ~
//Variable-sized Subtree Features.
//*** 2012/08/11 [#o1c15546]
//- We had a vacation in Lake Biwa.
//*** 2012/08/10 [#o1c15546]
//- High school students visited our lab during open camp...
//*** 2012/05/28 [#vcf16c07]
//- Chu Chenhui made a talk at [[LREC 2012:http://www.lre...
//at [[EAMT 2012:http://eamt2012.fbk.eu/]] on May 28.
//*** 2012/04/01 [#rbf66a02]
//- Three B4 students and four M1 students join our lab.
//*** 2012/02/19-21 [#laf3b314]
//- We held a ski tour to Shigakogen.
//*** 2012/01/12 [#zc8d14b0]
//- [[Morphological Analyzer JUMAN 7.0>JUMAN]] and [[Synt...
//*** 2011/12/6-9 [#p7d2bafe]
//- Assistant Prof. Shibata and Assistant Prof. Nakazawa ...
//*** 2011/11/9-11 [#c3a2f07e]
//- Associate Prof. Kawahara, Assistant Prof. Shibata, ~
//Assistant Prof. Nakazawa, and Mr. Harashima made a talk ~
//at [[IJCNLP 2011:http://www.ijcnlp2011.org/]].
//*** 2011/9/30, 10/1 [#o2bca024]
//- Our lab held a tour to [[Hiruzen:http://www.hiruzen.i...
//*** 2011/9/19-23 [#be1e2584]
//- Chu Chenhui made a talk at [[MT-Summit XIII:http://mt...
//*** 2011/07/28 [#m8a880e9]
//- Assistant Prof. Murawaki and Dr. Cromieres made a ta...
//*** 2011/07/13 [#pae8482d]
//- We began to distribute the [[JEC Basic Sentence Data:...
//*** 2011/04/01 [#e5fc41a5]
//- Dr. Shinzato moved to [[Rakuten Institute of Technolo...
//*** 2011/03/22 [#s9d322b1]
//-Prof. Kurohashi was awarded [[a Contribution Award in ...
// *** 2011/02/20-22 [#ie199239]
// - We held a ski tour to Shigakogen.
// #ref(ski2011.jpg,right,zoom,30%)
//*** 2011/02/09 [#lb260f30]
//- Prof. Kurohashi and Associate Prof. Kawahara were awa...
// *** 2010/12/01 [#e5fc41a5]
// - Dr. Sasano Moved to [[Okumura Lab.:http://www.lr.pi....
// *** 2010/10/15 [#l8098853]
// - Prof. Kurohashi was awarded the 9th Docomo Mobile Sc...
// *** 2010/10/01 [#p7b36297]
// - Associate Prof. Kawahara joined the laboratory.
// #ref(shirakawago_small.png,right,around,zoom,60%)
// *** 2010/09/29-30 [#a0203be1]
// - We held a tour to Shirakawago.
// #clear
* Research Overview [#a737b779]
Language is the most reliable medium of human intellectual
activities. Our objective is to establish the technology ...
discipline for handling and understanding language, in a ...
is as close as possible to that of humans, using computer...
include syntactic language analysis, semantic analysis, c...
analysis, text comprehension, text generation and diction...
to develop various application systems for machine transl...
information retrieval.
** [[Search Engine Infrastructure based on Deep Natural L...
The essential purpose of information retrieval is not to ...
a relevant document but to acquire the information or kno...
document. We have been developing a next-generation infra...
information retrieval on the basis of the following techn...
natural language processing: precise processing based not...
on predicate-argument structures, identifying the variety...
linguistic expressions and providing a bird's-eye view of...
results via clustering and interaction.
** [[Machine Translation>Research#o2f5d238]] [#nf1fce74]
To bring automatic translation by computers to the level ...
translation, we have been studying next-generation method...
machine translation on the basis of text understanding an...
collection of translation examples. We have already accom...
practical translation on the domain of travel conversatio...
constructed a translation-aid system that can be used by ...
patent translation.
// From 2006, we participate in the Japanese-Chinese tran...
// by the special coordination funds for the promotion of...
// technology.
** [[Fundamental Studies on Text Understanding>Research#i...
// #ref(understanding.png,right,around)
To make computers understand language, it is essential to...
computers world knowledge. This was a very hard problem t...
but it has become possible to acquire knowledge from a ma...
of text in virtue of the drastic progress of computing po...
network. We have successfully acquired linguistic pattern...
predicate-argument structures from automatic parses of 7 ...
Japanese sentences crawled from the Web using grid comput...
machines. By utilizing such knowledge, we study text unde...
i.e., recognizing the relationships between words and phr...
* Policy Regarding Acceptance of Students from Outside [#...
Prof. Kurohashi does not supervise new students. Assoc. P...
*** Master course [#n4b1d099]
- You can take the master course entrance exam of our cou...
- Due to the capacity of our lab, we do not accept resear...
principle, but you may contact in case that you have appl...
*** PhD course [#m5aceb40]
- You may contact in case that you have already published...
- Being able to communicate in English or Japanese.
* Access [#q9c4c7ca]
- Address
-- Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
-- S208, Research Bldg. No.9, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto ...
--- [[Map of Yoshida Main Campus:https://www.kyoto-u.ac.j...
--- [[Location of Yoshida Main Campus:http://www.kyoto-u....
- Contact
-- Tel/Fax: +81-75-753-5962
-- Email: contact at nlp.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp